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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

AT&T busted red handed

There’s just one problem with AT&T’s claim that buying T-Mobile is the only way it would be able to give 97% of Americans access to its high-speed mobile network: it isn’t true, and a letter filed recently by AT&T proves it.1
Seventy-six House Democrats wrote a public letter supporting the merger, largely based on the argument that purchasing T-Mobile was necessary in order for AT&T to expand its high-speed mobile Internet service to underserved communities.2 We now know that argument is false.
If history is any guide, the other claim made in the letter for supporting the merger — that the merger would protect jobs — is false as well, and what's most likely is that the reduction in competition that would result would raise the cost of wireless services for everybody and harm Internet freedom.3
Join us in demanding that these members of Congress publicly renounce their support for the merger. Together we can expose AT&T's lies and make it impossible to justify

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